Open design is the development of products through the use of publicly shared design information.

We bring this open idea radically further and give the user the opportunity to be autonomus, not depending on the increasingly big manufacturers, reducing the number of processes, avoiding complex fixing, making them easy to fix, using local materials, resources and knowledge.

We call this OpenDesign+DIY.

Our workshops gets OpenDesign+DIY into practice. The proposal is to design products for download. So simple and easy to build that the user, who will download the design information from this website, could buy materials and build them locally or with local makers.

After 14 workshops, the project has grown and now includes more than 180 products from chinese and spanish students.

Since they are open, we share our designs and encourage you to download, make, improve or modify any of them. And we would be happy if you tell us and give us credit.


Download OpenDesign and all of its products are covered by a Creative Commons Atribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0) that defines certain rights for the general public and results in free content.

The project and our work is subject to the rights module "Attribution" (BY). You are free to share, copy, adapt, remix, distribute and further develop our products, also in a commercial way. But the names of the designers and the project must be stated in any consecutive publication. If "person x", for instance, develops this piece, the attribution could be described as follows:

CC BY "person x", as an adaptation of "product x" BY "designers x".

The project and our work is also subject to the rights module "Share Alike" (SA). If you alter, transform or build upon any of our products, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, a similar or a compatible license. Here is an example for the use of the license:

CC BY-SA "person x", as an adaptation of "product x" BY "designers x".


Download OpenDesign is a collaborative project between the Guangdong University of Technology (Guangzhou, China), the Esdir school of design (Logro?o, Spain) and the Esdap Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain).

You can contact us by e-mail.
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Open Design
Chen Yuxiao,
Liu Li,
Peng Guankai|Open Design

Bp Sober

Chen Yuxiao, Liu Li, Peng Guankai
BP is a backpack designed for Rares, a student in Easd school in Castellón. We studied his needs and expectations, and he gave us feedback along the process. He will build it after download our design information.